What's in store this month?

  • 💸  Using Black Friday to Teach Kids the Value of Money
  • 🎁  Christmas Gift Ideas to Help Build Financial Literacy
  • 🎄  5 Reasons to Give a Rooster Card this Christmas
  • 💌  Reminder: Family & friends can send Christmas money straight to your Rooster Card account! 
  • ❤️  Share RoosterMoney With Your Friends
  • 🐓  Trending at RoosterHQ

💸 Using Black Friday to Teach Kids the Value of Money

It might be the biggest shopping day of the year, but that doesn’t mean you have to get caught up in a mad rush. You can bag a bargain, put off shopping for a few days, or just buy nothing at all. Whatever you do, take the opportunity to teach your kids a few financial lessons along the way.

What is Black Friday?

Black Friday is the day immediately after US Thanksgiving (27 November in 2020), when many Americans begin their Christmas shopping. The term, which has been in use since the second half of the 20th century, has been widely adopted more recently by shoppers and store owners across the world, with many outlets offering deep discounts on this day, in an attempt to lure in customers. Are you tempted? Maybe take a few things into consideration first of all.

Use Black Friday deals to get prepared for Christmas 

If you know you’re going to buy presents for Christmas, you can use Black Friday as an opportunity to get your loved ones their Christmas presents early. It can be a good way to save money and to make sure you avoid the Christmas rush.

Just be mindful of when you’re buying gifts for someone. Make sure you’re asking questions like: will they use this often? Do they need this? What impact will this purchase make on the environment? Considering all this prior to purchase decreases the likelihood of waste and increases the likelihood they’ll love their gift.

Use technology to stay accountable

Have an app that tracks your spending, so when that moment of purchase temptation creeps up…

🎁 Christmas Gift Ideas to Help Build Financial Literacy

The thrill of gifts on Christmas morning is wonderful, but how many of those presents remain well-loved and useful, well after the wrapping paper has made it into the recycling? Not as many as we would like. Nevertheless, there are a few stocking fillers that both entertain and educate kids, helping them become more financially prudent adults in later life.

From entrepreneurship to economics, cash register change to countrywide taxation, here’s six gifts that help build financial literacy!

1) Osmo Pizza Co. Game (Ages 5 to 12)

Halfway between a board game and a video game, Osmo’s pizza business simulator is a really fun way for kids to learn about money, handling change, and simple entrepreneurship. Played on either an iPad or an Amazon Fire tablet, but also using board-game-style counters and pieces, the game lets kids assume the role of a busy pizzeria owner, serving customers, preparing the dishes, and handling the change. If the customers get the wrong coins back, they get a little cross, so this game is also a good way for children to learn non-verbal communication, and simple, cash register etiquette.

Skills learned: cash management, entrepreneurship

🎄 5 Reasons to Give a Rooster Card this Christmas

Still looking for Christmas Presents? Maybe someone doesn’t have the Rooster Card yet? Here’s why the Rooster Card could be the perfect gift:

🤗  Provides kids with money skills for life

💸  Ready to go in our cashless world

📲  Perfect for receiving cash gifts digitally (and saving them!)

🚀  Works with other devices around the house (or ones you might be getting this Christmas)

📘  It comes with a book too!

💌 Reminder: Family & friends can send Christmas money straight to your Rooster Card account! 

To do this you’ll need to share your details:

👆  Tap on the + symbol on the ‘Parent Account’ on the dashboard

🏦  Click on Bank Transfer

💌  Tap on ‘Share account details’

❤️ Share RoosterMoney With Your Friends

If you love using RoosterMoney and want to spread the word, you can do so by:

📲  Opening the app

🔎  Tapping on explore

👉  Clicking on refer friends!


In celebration of World Kindness Day this month, we’d like to showcase this book by Margery Cuyler. It teaches kids that through their acts of kindness, they can change the world. It also offers 100 ideas that they can put into practice!

We’re loving this YouTube Channel that‘s all about yoga, mindfulness and relaxation for kids! It has interactive adventures (from Frozen to Star Wars themed and more) which builds strength, confidence and balance.

The Rooster Card is issued by CornerCard UK limited pursuant to a license from Visa Europe. CornerCard UK Ltd, company registration number 08542957, are an authorised electronic money institution authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 900186).