This one is a great way to bring together a lot of big money lessons in one simple… meal! Get the kids to organise Saturday night’s dinner. Give them a budget, and let their creativity run wild. It requires planning skills, running up total costs of items, and considering labour costs. Great for older children.  

The activity: Hosting a Family Dinner Party

How it works:

They have a budget to purchase ingredients (you may need to price up items already in your fridge). They need to design a menu and placemats. They have to include prices of items and work out the profit. But also, preparing dinner has its own price. They might not be up for cooking, so how much is it to hire a chef (a parent)? What about waiting staff? Who’s going to cook and clean? There’s more to money than exchanging goods for coins…


Take it further

Try setting the budget just under what they might need, so they have to make decisions on what to compromise on.  If they do make profit, what will they do with it?


Don’t forget: Prizes for sharing

COMPETITION HAS NOW CLOSED. Follow us on instagram to make sure you catch the next one.

Got any more activity ideas?

Please share with us at and we’ll share as many as we can on social, giving you the credit of course :)