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Editor Picks


3 great lessons kids can take from Lunar New Year traditions

The Lunar New Year is celebrated by many diverse communities around the world as a key moment for new beginnings, reflection and goal-setting. It’s an important time where families come together to celebrate, share their blessings and plan their goals for the year ahead. With lots of interesting traditions surrounding the celebration, we’ve picked out our top 3 Lunar New Year traditions for kids, so they can learn more about the celebration and maybe put some of the lessons into practice.


Top data privacy tips for kids

With more of our personal lives being shared online, we believe it’s super important for kids to understand how they can keep data and personal information safe. Here are our top tips on how you can do this!


How Much to Spend on Your Kids at Christmas

The supermarkets are stocking mince pies and the sound of Christmas music can be heard once more, which can only mean one thing – it’s almost time for Christmas. For many of us, this means it’s time to start thinking about how much to spend on Christmas gifts per child.

Christmas Gift Ideas to Teach Kids About Money

The festive season is a time for giving and receiving, but trying to think of original Christmas gift ideas for kids seems to get harder every year. This year, why not try giving a unique Christmas gift that’ll not only teach them about money but also help them to build good money habits that could last a lifetime.


Parents’ Guide: How to Do Christmas on a Budget

As winter fast approaches, there’s a special kind of magic in the air that only Christmas can bring. The promise of family gatherings, laughter, and of course the joy of giving, are all factors that build towards the excitement of Christmas . While we all want to show our kids how much they mean to us, it’s important to remember that the best gifts don’t need to come with a hefty price tag, especially if you’re wondering how to do Christmas on a budget.


Christmas tips for parents: How to enjoy a stress-free Christmas with your kids

The build-up to Christmas can often make children overexcited, and with all the extra sugar and lack of sleep, it can mean big emotions tend to take over. This can leave parents feeling overwhelmed and under pressure to deliver a magical Christmas while managing budgets and expectations for everyone. If you’re hosting this year or want to try some tips for Christmas that will help make the big day stress-free, our blog could help.