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RoosterMoney Resources

A treasure trove of fun and educational articles for the whole family. Pocket money tips, recommended products, advice from experts, or just ideas on how to get the most out of the app. And be sure to check out our Primers, a set of bite sized guides on how to talk to kids about money.

Editor Picks



What is inheritance tax?

Allow those at the beginning of their lives understand how finance affects us all at the very end, with this children’s primer on inheritance tax.


What is inheritance tax?

Allow those at the beginning of their lives understand how finance affects us all at the very end, with this children’s primer on inheritance tax.


New Year, New Pocket Money Routine

New Year, New Start – and a great time to introduce a new allowance routine. Allowance is a brilliant way to help your children learn about managing money. It can kick start conversations about budgeting, saving and working for rewards.