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RoosterMoney Resources

A treasure trove of fun and educational articles for the whole family. Pocket money tips, recommended products, advice from experts, or just ideas on how to get the most out of the app. And be sure to check out our Primers, a set of bite sized guides on how to talk to kids about money.

Editor Picks


Talking About Pensions

Do you understand how saving for later life works? Could you explain it to your kids? Try reading through this primer with them, and it should help

What Pirates Teach Kids About Money

They might have been outlaws on the high seas, but pirates of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century still followed a few financial rules…


Talking About Cryptocurrency

How well do you understand this new, digital money? Could you explain it to your kids? Try reading through this primer with them, and it should help


Out and About Guide

Ready to take kids to zoos and museums, and on holiday again? Here’s a few financial tips to help you ease into another summer

Stock market primer - UK small preview

Talking About the Stock Market

Have your children just asked you ‘what is the stock market?’ Try this simple, fun guide from the educational pocket money app for kids and parents, RoosterMoney.